Thursday, March 5, 2020

Must-See Video Shows Power Of Feedback, Expectations

Must-See Video Shows Power Of Feedback, Expectations Must-See Video Shows Power Of Feedback, Expectations Must-See Video Shows Power Of Feedback, Expectations March 20, 2015 Educators, tutors and parents: This precious six-minute video from the Center For Student Work is a must-see! “Austin’s Butterfly” demonstrates how our specific feedback and high expectations can help students do work they never imagined was possible. This video was presented at SXSWedu in Austin last week by Ron Berger from Expeditionary Learning, and it was the centerpiece of HEART’s Monday team meeting this week. It inspires us to ask more of our students, who are working to build a thorough understanding of how numbers work and explain their thinking. Often, our students get close to mastery and make progress, but they need to try again â€" check their work, explain it another way, use complete sentences.   It is our job to let them know what they have done well and where they need more work, so that when they are finished, they have accomplished something truly great.

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